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Mean-line design of a Multistage Compressor in Turbomachinery


The aim of this work is to develop a mean-line design of a multistage compressor in Turbomachinery operating at sea-level.

Conditions Requirement

1. Assumption

3. At the Exit

2. At the Inlet

4. Preliminary Estimation

5. Velocities triangles for each stage

Figure 4: Velocity triangle for stage 2 

Figure 3: Velocity triangle for stage 1 

Figure 6: Velocity triangle for stage 4 

Figure 5: Velocity triangle for stage 3

Figure 8: Velocity triangle for stage 6 

Figure 7: Velocity triangle for stage 5 

Figure 9: Velocity triangle for stage 7, stage 8 & stage 9 

6. Performance of each stage

7. Calculation for pitch, chord, number of blade and gap

8. Comparision between design with constraints

​The table below demonstrated how the mean-line design compressor meet the requirements for each stages:

Figure 12: The Final Meridional View of the design compressor

Figure 11: The sketching of Meridional View of the meanline design using SolidWorks

Table 7:Calculation for the constraint of the compressor

Figure 1: The Example of Mean-line design of a Compressor

Figure 2: A Compressor 

Table 1: The assumption of temperature rise, work done factor and blockage factor for each stage

Table 2: Result table for stagnation pressure & temperature, static temperature and Mach number

Table 3: The result table for density and the area of eacg stage in the compressor

Table 4: The result table for the calculation of blade height, tip radius & hub radius for compressor

Figure 10:  Graph of Tip and Hub Radius against Blade Row

Table 5: The result table for the mean heights, chord length, the pitch and the number of blades for rotor and stator for each stage

Table 6: Result table for the Gap2 & Gap3

October, 2015- December, 2015

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